Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) & Paralysis

Paraplegia and Quadriplegia

Medical Resources & Information about SCI and Paralysis

The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation has created a significant resource-available in 8 languages–for people suffering from SCI and paralysis. Some of the site’s special features include:

In addition, here are other notable resources for learning about or dealing with SCI injuries, paralysis and rehabilitation:

Causes, Complications, and Stages of Treatment:

Choosing a Rehabilitation Center:

  • BrainandSpinalChord.org provides recommendations about important factors to consider when selecting an SCI rehabilitation center
  • www.SCI-Info-Pages.com has organized SCI rehabilitation centers in a state-by-state directory

Information and Support from Other Paralyzed SCI Victims:

Apparelyzed was founded in 1993 by Simon, a quadriplegic, who has created a very comprehensive resource. He provides well-written and well- organized content that includes:

  • A medical overview with links to additional information about SCI, paralysis and health issues.
  • Discussion boards covering a wide range of topics, including spouse and career issues, sports for the disabled, and wheelchair-accessible holiday destinations.